Q. Will Amber use WeiDU?
A. Yes.
Q. Will I need Throne of Bhaal?
A. Yes. Amber uses the MakeGlobal() scripting action, included only in Throne of Bhaal.
Q. Will I need to start a new game?
A. No. The new areas we are adding will not interfere with the world map. Neither do we change the original game areas in any way that would jeopardise compatibility with other mods.
Q. A multiplayer-friendly flirt pack? What does that mean?
A. Flirting with Amber will not pause the entire game. The other players are free to do their shopping, adjust inventories of their characters etc. and you can
make out with your sweetheart without annoying your co-players. This will be an optional component that will be of use mostly to multiplayers.
Q. How are you planning to release this mod? Both SoA and ToB content at the same time or separately?
A. The initial release will contain only the SoA portion. ToB content will be released later as a separete add-on.
Q. What tools and resources were used to create Amber mod?
A. Check out the tools and sources section under 'Links'.
Q. Who is Amber?
A. She's a chaotic good female tiefling fighter/thief with a few special abilities. She's smart but she can also be rather blunt when communicating with other people, earning her few friends among the
people she meets. Most people do not take too well to her, and the feeling is usually mutual. But underneath her prickly manners, she has a good heart and will go to great lengths to help those who
she sees to be weak and in need of aid.
Q. Will there be voicing and music?
A. Yes.
Q. What weapons does she use?
A. Long swords, daggers, bows and spears.
Q. You mentioned special abilities?
A. Yes, due her fiendish background, she can blind her target by looking into their eyes. Later on, as she learns to control her abilities better, she can cause even nastier effects. She has a
natural resistance to fire, and during her long life she has also picked a thing or two on preparing poisons.
Q. Does she have any disadvantages to balance out those special abilities?
A. Yes. Although her proficiency as a fighter would allow her to use any weapons or armour, she won't wear any armour heavier than studded leather, or a shield larger than a buckler.
She also won't use any weapons that are large enough to be unwieldy, such as halberds or 2-handed swords.
Q. Can you have a romance with Amber?
A. Yes, if you're a male of any race AND have a charisma and intelligence of 12 or better. Her mini-quests and casual talks are available also to those with whom she won't have a romance.
A friendship path is also included for any PC who's not a total ass.
Q. Is there an option for Amber to have a romance with an NPC if the protagonist is not interested or she's not interested in him?
A. No, but Amber can have a romance with Player 2 if Player 1 is not a suitable match. This requires you to start a multiplayer game and to create another PC into Character Slot 2. She will not
romance NPCs. The Player 2 romance will only happen if the protagonist is not a match; she will not run to Player 2 if you turn her down later. However, it is possible to manually "push" Amber
towards Player 2 if both the Protagonist and Player 2 meet her requirements. Keep your eyes open during the joining dialogue. This feature is also exploitable in a singleplayer game if you want
enjoy two concurrent romances without cheating.
Q. So, what about ratings? Any sex, violence or swearing?
A.There is no violence that would be any different from what is already in the game. There are adult situations and sexual themes in the romance track , in general of a similar level or milder than found
in the Kelsey Romance or the NPC Flirt Packs, for example. There is occasional swearing, and a mush warning is probably in order. ;)