"Tieflings are the offspring of the planes, as varied as the places they call home. Superficially human, their appearance always betrays them: some sport small horns, others have pointed ears, scales, a cloven hoof, or just a wicked gleam in their eye that never leaves."
- The Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix I
STR | 12 | INT | 14 | Tiefling |
DEX | 19 | WIS | 12 | Dual-class Fighter/Thief |
CON | 15 | CHA | 8 | Chaotic Good |
Initially Amber appears withdrawn, suspicious and restless, as tieflings often do: she never seems to stay in one place for very long and always seems cautious and highly aware of her surroundings. Her natural curiosity is both a blessing and a curse: she has learned a lot because of it but it has never kept her out of trouble. Being both a prime - she doesn't recall ever having been to Sigil or any other place outside the prime material plane - and a tiefling, she feels as if caught somewhere in between these two worlds. While she can never pass for a normal person, she also lacks the otherworldly grace of a seasoned planewalker, leaving her with a strong feeling of being on the outside wherever she is.
It is said that no tiefling is quite like another, and Amber is no exception to this rule. Her unique features include amber-coloured irises, cat-like pupils and delicately pointed ears. Her hair is flaming red and her skin of a warm brown - almost copperish - hue. Due to her fiendish background, her body temperature is also a few degrees above that of a normal human. Her skin is bedecked by strange tattoo-like shapes that seem to have a life of their own. It doesn't seem as if they actually move, yet they seem to be at slightly different places and of slightly different shapes every time one looks at them, sometimes sharpening into clear and intense patterns and sometimes fading almost into nothingness. She has often been mistaken for a demon of some sort due to her outlandish appearance and the uneasy feeling of something being slightly off-kilter that hangs about her, like an aura that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
Amber also possesses some innate magical aptitude that may not have reached its full potential when you first meet her. However, she seems somewhat reluctant to take advantage of her abilities, as they - in her mind - make her fiendish background - which she is not particularly proud of - even more apparent than it already is. After all, demons are embodiments of evil and destruction, and she does not feel comfortable associating herself with such attributes. Unfortunately, people are often more than willing to make that association for her.
As to her more mundane attributes, Amber has a low and deep, yet not harsh, voice - one that you would not expect from a petite creature like her. For a human she is indeed relatively small and slender, barely 5' (152 cm) tall, but surprisingly strong, agile and very fast. Her mind is equally quick and her sense of humour witty, if slightly bitter. She is not used to expecting any kindness from others; most of the time she is not even accustomed to being tolerated. Amber is more than capable of taking care of herself, and you might grow to regret it were you to step on her path. While strong and independent, she is still compassionate towards those that are weak and downtrodden. The harshness of life has not yet made her heart cold even though it has made her wary and mistrusting of people.
When asked about her past AMBER claims that she has no memories of her early childhood. Not of her parents or of the place she grew up in. Hesitantly she tells you that she lived years in the streets of Waterdeep until some unfortunate incident involving the local thieves guild and city guard forced her to move to Luskan. There she only barely escaped an angry mob with the help of a young bard called Jill. As she speaks warmly of Jill and respectfully of the bard's brother Tristan, Amber's expression lightens somewhat. You can clearly understand that the two girls were close, but there is sadness in her eyes that tells you that her friend is long gone. As Amber's story goes on, you begin to wonder how old this exotic creature really is. She has visited lands so far away - from the frozen north to the heat of the southern deserts, travelled years with a circus group and yet her face betrays no signs of age. When you try to ask her about her age, she responds that it does not matter as the people around her never change, no matter how much time passes by. Prejudices die hard if ever.